Post-doctoral researcher
I am a post-doctoral researcher at Laboratoire d'analyse et d'architecture des systèmes (LAAS-CNRS), France. I am part of the Méthodes et algorithmes de commande (MAC) team and I work under the supervision of Sophie Tarbouriech (LAAS-CNRS) and Antoine Girard (L2S-CNRS).
I am interested in control of dynamical systems, with a particular focus on the discrete-time nonlinear framework. Many of my works focus on solutions mixing Control Theory and Machine Learning approaches. The aim is to guaranetee strong closed-loop properties without sacrificing applicability and performance of the controller.
PhD in Automatic Control, 2020-2023
UCBL Lyon, France
MSc in Automation Engineering, 2016-2019
UNIBO Bologna, Italy
BSc in Electronic Engineering, 2013-2016
UNIMORE Modena, Italy
Subject: Development of mixed control theory-machine learning approaches for guaranteed control of nonlinear systems.
Thesis title: Achieving reliable control: robustness and stability in nonlinear systems via DNN-based feedback design.